
May 14, 2024

Colorado and Illinois Set Their Sights on Becoming the Nation’s Quantum Hub

The Wall Street Journal Logo

May 14, 2024

Colorado and Illinois Set Their Sights on Becoming the Nation’s Quantum Hub

The Wall Street Journal Logo

Colorado and Illinois are both pouring millions of dollars into quantum computing in an effort to position themselves as national leaders in the area and secure coveted federal funding from the $53 billion Chips Act.

Calling itself the “Mountain West” hub, Colorado along with New Mexico and Wyoming is seeking $70 million in federal funding under the act to support quantum companies, hardware manufacturing and a talent pipeline.

“This is a key enabling technology around applications in every sector that touches computers and technology,” said Colorado Gov. Jared Polis. If the group gets the federal money, Colorado will match it with a $74 million tax credit from the state government.

Read the entire article on the official Wall Street Journal by clicking here.