
October 25, 2023

Colorado designated a quantum tech hub

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October 25, 2023

Colorado designated a quantum tech hub

Colorado has been designated as a quantum tech hub.
Governor Jared Polis along with the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announced that our state and the TechHubNow! Initiative have secured a federal designation as a Regional Technology and Innovation Hub (Tech Hub) focused on the advancement of the quantum industry.

Read the entire article on the official Longmont Leader website by clicking here.

Colorado designated a quantum tech hub

Longmont Leader Logo

Colorado has been designated as a quantum tech hub.
Governor Jared Polis along with the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announced that our state and the TechHubNow! Initiative have secured a federal designation as a Regional Technology and Innovation Hub (Tech Hub) focused on the advancement of the quantum industry.

Read the entire article on the official Longmont Leader website by clicking here.